Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It felt like the right time to put some new stuff on the Archer & Archer blog.

So here we are.

We love this. It's an oil painting, or maybe an acrylic, its super cracked up over the years, amazingly ornate frame, a damn cool piece of artwork with a heap of character. Can't make out the artists signature but the work that person did is beautiful!

Oh damn we love this poster! It's a screen printed original advertising Blue Mountains Arts Convergence of 1988. Check it out, Noni Hazelhurst was at the official opening! We just sold this great piece to a great new home in Sydney. Bye bye awesome poster!

Most of the time we'll pick up books that have amazing artwork on the cover without paying too much attention to the content or the story. This book is a stand out for me, in terms of design that cover is just beautiful. The story, well i've not quite gotten to reading it yet! By Robert Cedric Sherriff, 1968.

Stop being such a duckhead. How awesome is this wine bottle opener? Very? We think it's amazing.

Love Letters! We love letters, these are foam ones that we salvaged off a building being demolished and we're super pleased that we did.

Wow. Homemade Timber Fire Engine. It even has a little storage compartment at the back. So cool.

Come back soon!